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World traveler Yoni

The Maine coon breed is a very intelligent breed, you can teach them everything! We are happy to take our dear Yoni with us everywhere and oh  she loves it. From running in the woods to watching pigeons in the Czech Republic, it's all possible!

The Maine Coon breed

AsI mentioned, the Maine coons are extremely intelligent, but in addition to that also super sweet and affectionate to their owners. The breed is extremely popular because of its quiet and calm disposition. Nevertheless, pay close attention to containers and glasses of water in the house, because before you know it they will be happily digging in it!



Don't forget that the breed is also known for its large size. A female usually weighs between 4 and 6 kg, and a male quickly weighs between 6 and 10 kg! 


When you have decided to take a coonie into your home, there are of course also some other things to consider. For example, think of good stuff and food for these giants! 


Every breeder has his/her own preferences regarding what is best for the cat. This is how you will find our advice here. 

Climbing furniture

Because it is a large breed, it is therefore very important that you purchase a sturdy scratching post. We are quite a do-it-yourselfer and therefore always have homemade scratching posts at home. But keep in mind that you have a good, large scratching post at home.


It is important that your new coonie gets enough nutrients for growth. That is why we recommend not feeding your own brand kibble, but well-balanced dry and/or wet food. We therefore prefer Royal Canin and BARF (fresh meat). 

Litter box

Big cat also means big litter box! There are different types of litter boxes on the market, so look carefully for a suitable size for your cat. Do you take an open or closed container? Which cat litter do you choose?


We have deliberately opted for an open litter box because cats, while doing their needs, like to keep an eye on their surroundings. With regard to cat litter, we prefer wood pellets, because the filling is ecologically easily degradable and can therefore be placed in the GFT/compost bin! 

Entertainment and toys

A kitten is like having a baby/small child in the house. In the beginning it will be a lot of sleeping (14 to 20 hours a day) in shifts of about 4 hours. So when the little dragon is awake he/she is full of energy and wants to play, eat and drink and then go to sleep completely exhausted. 


The maine coon is a very social breed and will therefore quickly get bored if he / she does not have a playmate. It is therefore also important that you can pay a lot of attention to your new furry baby. So keep an eye out, if the kitten goes on a 'demolition tour' and scandals then he / she needs just a little more attention. 


We keep our cat busy in different ways:

 - Just Toys

 - Electric Toys

 - Think/sniff games

 - Hikes in the woods

 - Bike rides


Maine coons therefore enjoy playing with anything that dangles just as much as their toy fishing rod, where plants can quickly die. So pay close attention to which plants are and which are not poisonous to your cat and therefore put the poisonous/expensive plants out of reach!


Ideal and cat-friendly plants are for example:

 - Calatheas

 - Grass lily/umbrella plant (they love it)

 - Cat grass (love them)

 - Ferns

 - Elephant Foot


If you want to know if the plants you have in your home are poisonous, google it! 


Again! Every breeder has his/her own preferences regarding what is best for the cat. So these are our advice.

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